Conditions + Treatments

After suffering with excruciating hip and groin pain for almost two years I scheduled an appointment with Dr. James Flanagan. I was scared to death to think I might have to have a hip replacement, but at that point I felt like nothing was going to be worse than what I was already going through. I had limped for so long I didn't realize how badly I hobbled until I was checking our security video one day...I saw me walking through our office and my jaw dropped. I thought "I walk like an old woman!" I looked back over other footage and realized I had walked like that for so long it was "normal" for me.
I would be walking and my hip would just "lock up." I had to stop and sit or lean on something or someone for support or I would collapse from the pain. After seeing several other doctors...being injected with cortisone...having a back block... knee and hip injections and two MRIs, I was referred by my primary care doctor to Dr. Flanagan.
Due to severe degenerative osteoarthritis, my hip joint had no cartilage, movement was bone in bone, thus the reason for my debilitating hip pain. I had been on Celebrex for years and a muscle relaxer and still couldn't sleep well due to the pain.
After the hip replacement surgery by Dr. Flanagan, I have not had to take any of the pain meds I was discharged more more muscle relaxers ..and I am able to sleep better than I have in years.
I think the final straw for me was the fact that my son is getting married this fall. I wanted to be able to enjoy his wedding without hobbling in pain. I also am a cake baker and cake designer.
I had to stop taking celebration cake orders in December 2016, just because it was too painful to stand on my feet baking and decorating cakes for sometimes 16 hours at a stretch. I am planning on making my future daughter-in-law a 5-tier cake of her dreams and my son a 3-tier medieval castle groom's cake.
I would not have been able to do this without my successful hip replacement surgery. The therapy afterwards was a breeze...not painful as I had anticipated. Yes, I was sore, but not in pain. It was a welcomed relief. I was released from therapy and by the doctor on my six week follow-up appointment.
Thank you so much Dr. Flanagan. You and your team at Andrews Sports Medicine provided excellent treatment, care and results. I will be forever grateful!