December 30, 2014

Best Hip Replacement Approaches - Jeffrey C. Davis, M.D.


ABC 33/40

Jeffrey C. Davis, M.D. discusses the best approaches for hip replacement, including hip resurfacing, a procedure that works well for physically active patients who want to continue a high-level of physical activity after surgery.

Jeffrey C. Davis,  M.D. is an orthopaedic surgeon at Andrews Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center in Birmingham, AL.Dr. Davis has an interest in minimizing exposures for joint replacement and performing procedures limiting bone removal, particularly for younger patients. He has developed the largest hip resurfacing practice and has the most experience of any surgeon in the region. The results to date show high levels of satisfaction and patients return to active lifestyles. The failure rate has been <1% in hip resurfacing over the first four years. Dr. Davis has training in anterior hip approaches along with limited incision posterior approaches to the hip, and both allow quicker recoveries.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Davis, call (205) 939-3699 and request to speak with Dr. Davis' appointment scheduler.